Saturday, 27 June 2009

they're dropping like flies!

RIP Steven Wells, legendary NME "critic" usually found foaming at the mouth. It's hard to believe it now, in these days when the NME is edited by a twelve year old whose favourite albums are -and I quote- "The Beatles' greatest hits and Nirvana "never mind" (sic)"- but there was once a time when the NME meant something.*
Anyhoo, S. Wells was the one writer a certain someone would always look up first thing on the Weds. morning.
....Quite a few expletives were usually likely to be found during the course of Wells's customary pieces.

Loving dat BigBrother yoke: isn't it unmissable that all of the objects of hate by the inmates come from cultures alien to the English Isles? (quick geographical note here: yes, the island of Ireland is situated in what is officially "the English Isles" so be it)?
Quite clearly, the only original/different/unpredictable inmates here are not English-acclimatised: Shree the Indian and Angel the Russian well as Feckwit the Tory tosser. These two don't have the same references, they don't react the same predictable way, ...these two rock the cosy little boat composed of laaaaads and wanna "WAG"s (god do I hate this word).

Now what about your man you will object? For sure he is English is Feckwit ...but he is also from a different class, from a different viewpoint -and this is precisely why he's hated. Just listen to the actual reasons explicitly offered by that horrid horrid HORRID woman from Beuuuuuuuurmingham. Her likes resent him not so much because he's a tosser -which he undoubtedly is (it's so easy being idealistic and a would-be hippie when you're a millionaire)- ...but because he is different. Because he is culchured (check out the musical references on show here: they're quite telling.)

And we can't possibly have that can we.

Now then.
My other half (but he's a creep) forces me to mention the death of Farrah Fawcett (RIP) and quips my other half:
"there's been a lot of talk today about your man who was supposed to be so good to children and so forth but let me tell you... Farrah Fawcett -ha!-, she certainly gave me much more pleasure as a young boy growing up!"
...I am sure this must mean something.

Current expression we like: "I'm not sure..."
...It basically means "I don't know".

Stay kewl yous all!

*'musingly, Conor Something resigned his position that very day! go and edit -you'll love this- the Daily Heil's polluporno mag "Top Gear". H'a!