Wednesday, 24 April 2013

It's out!!

Breaking news:
as of 22nd of April, 1.30 a.m., "You Know Yourself 2.0" is at long last out!!

Priced only £3.08 (please note that the minimum price allowed was £2.99!), it's available through Amazon here: . If you have ever taken a look at early versions / preliminary excerpts, you'll know what to expect...
If not, brace yourself!

Well, here we go. Take the jump if you dare...
Thank you (?), Uma.

Soundtrack as I type: Rammstein-"Ich tuh dir Weh"

Sunday, 7 April 2013

testing, one two

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Still re-formatting. (And naturally re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-amending stuff here and there!)

Amazing as it sounds, in all these years I never once considered the question of the book cover! Need to go and delve into my self-made archive and adapt one of Loig7San's nightmares...

Was thinking; let's set ourselves a goal, see if for example I can manage to sell ten copies (via the famous friendsnfamily network which I don't put much hope in anyway: the people around you are the last persons you want to impose on and ask for money); let's say ten copies then, amounting to a profit of around 12 Pounds after tax. I'll tell yous what...:
 I would (will?) frame this cheque!
(Or bank statement, as it would more realistically look like).

Question: how does it work? Can we submit a synopsis / advertising slogan / list of key-words? We'll see soon enough.


Friday, 5 April 2013

pre-publication update

Evening all.

Found myself looking around re. this self e-publishing thing and it seems fairly straightforward so... I may just go ahead and jump in then:

"watch - this - space".

There comes a time when you have to call it a day and stop tampering with the material, just let it be as it stands. And this is of course precisely when another genius idea pops into your head; well, funny I should mention that, it appears that revisions are possible at any time! Fancy that! Isn't it brilliant!
Sounds pretty inviting then...

And so have just spent a large couple of hours formatting as best as can be achieved. Now what happens is that Word in their (its?) infinite wisdom have various spacing formats and so variations in size appear when you collate various sources: Grrrr...
Oh, and these don't correspond to WordPad or rtf either, which confounds the problem. This is particularly noticeable in dialogue form when, during the course of re-editing, you add new lines.
I'll be honest here: I'm afraid I won't be able to harmonise everything! Looks like this here version is as good as it gets. (I tried to enlarge interspacing and font so as to make it less obvious but.)

I aim to price TheThing very modestly (no more than a couple of quid) to make it a realistic chance someone, somewhere, may be tempted to come and have a look at it. As much as I would like to dream, I don't imagine anyone would otherwise...
It appears that the big-company-that-shall-remain-nameless at this stage of the game offers 70% to the authors which is pretty amazing compared to the 10% offered in paper publishing so if I were to ask for 3 Euro/Pound/Dollar, it would translate at around 2,20 is that right? Sounds fair enough.

(soundtrack: Gil Scot Heron "I'm new here" "I'll take care of you" "NY is killing me", the Stranglers "down in the sewer" "walk on by", Men At Work "the man with two hearts")

ok / peace!